Source code for halomod.hod

Module for defining HOD classes.

The HOD class exposes methods that deal directly with occupation statistics and don't interact with
the broader halo model. These include things like the average satellite/central occupation, total
occupation, and "pair counts".

The HOD concept is here meant to be as general as possible. While traditionally the HOD has been
thought of as a number count occupation, the base class here is just as amenable to "occupations"
that could be defined over the real numbers -- i.e. continuous occupations. This could be achieved
via each "discrete" galaxy being marked by some real quantity (eg. each galaxy is on average a
certain brightness, or contains a certain amount of gas), or it could be achieved without assuming
any kind of discrete tracer, and just assuming a matching of some real field to the underlying halo
mass. Thus  *all* kinds of occupations can be dealt with in these classes.

For the sake of consistency of implementation, all classes contain the notion that there may be a
"satellite" component of the occupation, and a "central" component. This is to increase fidelity in
cases where it is known that a discrete central object will necessarily be in the sample before any
other object, because it is inherently "brighter" (for whatever selection the sample uses). It is
not necessary to assume some distinct central component, so for models in which this does not make
sense, it is safe to set the central component to zero.

The most subtle/important thing to note about these classes are the assumptions surrounding the
satellite/central decomposition. So here are the assumptions:

1. The average satellite occupancy is taken to be the average over *all* haloes, with and without
   centrals. This has subtle implications for how to mock up the galaxy population, because if one
   requires a central before placing a satellite, then the avg. number of satellites placed into
   *available* haloes is increased if the central occupation is less than 1.

2. We provide the option to enforce a "central condition", that is, the requirement that a central
   be found in a halo before any satellites are observed. To enforce this, set ``central=True`` in
   the constructor of any HOD. This has some ramifications:

3. If the central condition is enforced, then for all HOD classes (except see point 5), the mean
   satellite occupancy is modified. If the defined occupancy is Ns', then the returned occupancy is
   Ns = Nc*Ns'. This merely ensures that Ns=0 when Nc=0. The user should note that this will change
   the interpretation of parameters in the Ns model, unless Nc is a simple step function.

4. The pair-wise counts involve a term <Nc*Ns>. When the central condition is enforced, this reduces
   trivially to <Ns>. However, if the central condition is not enforced we *assume* that the
   variates Nc and Ns are uncorrelated, and use <Nc*Ns> = <Nc><Ns>.

5. A HOD class that is defined with the central condition intrinsically satisfied, the
   class variable ``central_condition_inherent`` can be set to True in the class
   definition, which will avoid the extra modification. Do note that just because the
   class is specified such that the central condition can be satisfied (i.e. <Ns> is 0
   when <Nc> is zero), and thus the ``central_condition_inherent`` is True, does not
   mean that it is entirely enforced. The pairwise counts still depend on whether the
   user assumes that the central condition is enforced or not, which must be set at

6. By default, the central condition is *not* enforced.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import astropy.constants as astroconst
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
import scipy.special as sp
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
from hmf import Component
from hmf._internals import pluggable
from hmf.halos.mass_definitions import MassDefinition, SOMean

from .concentration import CMRelation
from .profiles import Profile

SO_MEAN = SOMean()

[docs] @pluggable class HOD(Component, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Halo Occupation Distribution model base class. This class should not be called directly. The user should call a derived class. As with all :class:`hmf._framework.Model` classes, each class should specify its parameters in a _defaults dictionary at class-level. The exception to this is the M_min parameter, which is defined for every model (it may still be defined to modify the default). This parameter acts as the one that may be set via the mean density given all the other parameters. If the model has a sharp cutoff at low mass, corresponding to M_min, the extra parameter sharp_cut may be set to True, allowing for simpler setting of M_min via this route. See the derived classes in this module for examples of how to define derived classes of :class:`HOD`. """ _defaults = {"M_min": 11.0} sharp_cut = False central_condition_inherent = False def __init__( self, central: bool = False, cosmo=Planck15, cm_relation: CMRelation | None = None, profile: Profile | None = None, mdef: MassDefinition | None = SO_MEAN, **model_parameters, ): self._central = central self.cosmo = cosmo self.cm_relation = cm_relation self.profile = profile self.mdef = mdef super().__init__(**model_parameters)
[docs] @abstractmethod def nc(self, m): """Defines the average number of centrals at mass m. Useful for populating catalogues. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def ns(self, m): """Defines the average number of satellites at mass m. Useful for populating catalogues. """
@abstractmethod def _central_occupation(self, m): """The central occupation function of the tracer.""" @abstractmethod def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """The satellite occupation function of the tracer."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def ss_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_s>."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def cs_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_c>."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def sigma_satellite(self, m): """The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def sigma_central(self, m): """The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m."""
[docs] def central_occupation(self, m): """The occupation function of the central component.""" return self._central_occupation(m)
[docs] def satellite_occupation(self, m): """The occupation function of the satellite (or profile-dependent) component.""" if self._central and not self.central_condition_inherent: return * self._satellite_occupation(m) else: return self._satellite_occupation(m)
[docs] def total_occupation(self, m): """The total (average) occupation of the halo.""" return self.central_occupation(m) + self.satellite_occupation(m)
[docs] def total_pair_function(self, m): """The total weight of the occupation paired with itself.""" return self.ss_pairs(m) + self.cs_pairs(m)
[docs] def unit_conversion(self, cosmo, z): """A factor to convert the total occupation to a desired unit.""" return 1.0
@property def mmin(self): """Defines a reasonable minimum mass to set for this HOD to converge when integrated.""" return self.params["M_min"]
[docs] class HODNoCentral(HOD, abstract=True): """Base class for all HODs which have no concept of a central/satellite split.""" def __init__(self, **model_parameters): super().__init__(**model_parameters) self._central = False
[docs] def nc(self, m): """Density of Central Tracer.""" return 0
[docs] def cs_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_c>.""" return 0
def _central_occupation(self, m): """The occupation function of the central component.""" return 0
[docs] def sigma_central(self, m): """The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" return 0
[docs] class HODBulk(HODNoCentral, abstract=True): """Base class for HODs with no discrete tracers, just an assignment of tracer to the halo."""
[docs] def ns(self, m): """Density of Satellite Tracer.""" return 0
[docs] def ss_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_s>.""" return self.satellite_occupation(m) ** 2
[docs] class HODPoisson(HOD, abstract=True): """ Base class for discrete HOD's with poisson-distributed satellite population. Also assumes that the amount of the tracer is statistically independent of the number counts, but its average is directly proportional to it. This accounts for all Poisson-distributed number-count HOD's (which is all traditional HODs). """
[docs] def nc(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer per tracer source.""" return self.central_occupation(m) / self._tracer_per_central(m)
[docs] def ns(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer per tracer source.""" return self.satellite_occupation(m) / self._tracer_per_satellite(m)
def _tracer_per_central(self, m): """Number of tracer per central tracer source.""" return 1 def _tracer_per_satellite(self, m): """Number of tracer per satellite tracer source.""" return self._tracer_per_central(m)
[docs] def ss_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_s>.""" return self.satellite_occupation(m) ** 2
[docs] def cs_pairs(self, m): """The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_c T_s>.""" if self._central: return self.satellite_occupation(m) * self._tracer_per_central(m) else: return self.central_occupation(m) * self.satellite_occupation(m)
[docs] def sigma_central(self, m): """The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" co = self.central_occupation(m) return np.sqrt(co * (1 - co))
[docs] def sigma_satellite(self, m): """The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" return np.sqrt(self.satellite_occupation(m))
[docs] class Zehavi05(HODPoisson): r""" Three-parameter model of Zehavi (2005) [1]_. Parameters ---------- M_min : float, default = 11.6222 Minimum mass of halo that supports a central galaxy M_1 : float, default = 12.851 Mass of a halo which on average contains 1 satellite alpha : float, default = 1.049 Index of power law for satellite galaxies References ---------- .. [1] Zehavi, I. et al., "The Luminosity and Color Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function ", """ _defaults = {"M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "alpha": 1.049} sharp_cut = True def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" n_c = np.ones_like(m) n_c[m < 10 ** self.params["M_min"]] = 0 return n_c def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" return (m / 10 ** self.params["M_1"]) ** self.params["alpha"]
[docs] class Zheng05(HODPoisson): """ Five-parameter model of Zheng (2005). Parameters ---------- M_min : float, default = 11.6222 Minimum mass of halo that supports a central galaxy M_1 : float, default = 12.851 Mass of a halo which on average contains 1 satellite alpha : float, default = 1.049 Index of power law for satellite galaxies sig_logm : float, default = 0.26 Width of smoothed cutoff M_0 : float, default = 11.5047 Minimum mass of halo containing satellites References ---------- .. [1] Zheng, Z. et al., "Theoretical Models of the Halo Occupation Distribution: Separating Central and Satellite Galaxies ", """ _defaults = { "M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "alpha": 1.049, "M_0": 11.5047, "sig_logm": 0.26, } def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" return 0.5 * (1 + sp.erf((np.log10(m) - self.params["M_min"]) / self.params["sig_logm"])) def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" ns = np.zeros_like(m) ns[m > 10 ** self.params["M_0"]] = ( (m[m > 10 ** self.params["M_0"]] - 10 ** self.params["M_0"]) / 10 ** self.params["M_1"] ) ** self.params["alpha"] return ns @property def mmin(self): """Minimum turnover mass for tracer.""" return self.params["M_min"] - 5 * self.params["sig_logm"]
[docs] class Contreras13(HODPoisson): """ Nine-parameter model of Contreras (2013) [1]_. Parameters ---------- M_min : float, default = 11.6222 Minimum mass of halo that supports a central galaxy M_1 : float, default = 12.851 Mass of a halo which on average contains 1 satellite alpha : float, default = 1.049 Index of power law for satellite galaxies sig_logm : float, default = 0.26 Width of smoothed cutoff M_0 : float, default = 11.5047 Minimum mass of halo containing satellites fca : float, default = 0.5 fca fcb : float, default = 0 fcb fs : float, default = 1 fs delta : float, default = 1 delta x : float, default = 1 x References ---------- .. [1] Contreras, C. et al., "The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: measuring the cosmicgrowth rate with the two-point galaxy correlation function", """ _defaults = { "M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "alpha": 1.049, "M_0": 11.5047, "sig_logm": 0.26, "fca": 0.5, "fcb": 0, "fs": 1, "delta": 1, "x": 1, } def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" return self.params["fcb"] * (1 - self.params["fca"]) * np.exp( -(np.log10(m / 10 ** self.params["M_min"]) ** 2) / (2 * (self.params["x"] * self.params["sig_logm"]) ** 2) ) + self.params["fca"] * ( 1 + sp.erf( np.log10(m / 10 ** self.params["M_min"]) / self.params["x"] / self.params["sig_logm"] ) ) def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" return ( self.params["fs"] * (1 + sp.erf(np.log10(m / 10 ** self.params["M_1"]) / self.params["delta"])) * (m / 10 ** self.params["M_1"]) ** self.params["alpha"] )
[docs] class Geach12(Contreras13): """ 8-parameter model of Geach et. al. (2012) [1]_. This is identical to :class:`Contreras13`, but with `x==1`. References ---------- .. [1] Geach, J. E. et al., "The clustering of Hα emitters at z=2.23 from HiZELS ", """
[docs] class Tinker05(Zehavi05): """ 3-parameter model of Tinker et. al. (2005) [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Tinker, J. L. et al., "On the Mass-to-Light Ratio of Large-Scale Structure", """ _defaults = {"M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "M_cut": 12.0} central_condition_inherent = True def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" out = self.central_occupation(m) return ( out * np.exp(-(10 ** self.params["M_cut"]) / (m - 10 ** self.params["M_min"])) * (m / 10 ** self.params["M_1"]) )
[docs] class Zehavi05WithMax(Zehavi05): """Zehavi05 model in which a maximum halo mass for occupancy also exists.""" _defaults = { "M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "alpha": 1.049, "M_max": 18, # Truncation mass } def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" n_c = np.zeros_like(m) n_c[np.logical_and(m >= 10 ** self.params["M_min"], m <= 10 ** self.params["M_max"])] = 1 return n_c def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" return (m / 10 ** self.params["M_1"]) ** self.params["alpha"]
[docs] class Zehavi05Marked(Zehavi05WithMax): """ The Zehavi05 model, with a possibility that the quantity is not number counts. NOTE: this should not give different results to Zehavi05 for any normalised statistic. """ _defaults = { "M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "logA": 0.0, "alpha": 1.049, "M_max": 18.0, }
[docs] def sigma_central(self, m): """The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" co = super()._central_occupation(m) return np.sqrt(self._tracer_per_central(m) * co * (1 - co))
def _tracer_per_central(self, m): """Number of tracer per central tracer source.""" return 10 ** self.params["logA"] def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" return super()._central_occupation(m) * self._tracer_per_central(m) def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" return super()._satellite_occupation(m) * self._tracer_per_satellite(m)
[docs] class ContinuousPowerLaw(HODBulk): """A continuous HOD which is tuned to match the Zehavi05 total occupation. (except for normalisation) """ _defaults = { "M_min": 11.6222, "M_1": 12.851, "logA": 0.0, "alpha": 1.049, "M_max": 18.0, "sigma_A": 0, # The (constant) standard deviation of the tracer } sharp_cut = True def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" alpha = self.params["alpha"] M_1 = 10 ** self.params["M_1"] A = 10 ** self.params["logA"] M_min = 10 ** self.params["M_min"] M_max = 10 ** self.params["M_max"] return np.where( np.logical_and(m >= M_min, m <= M_max), A * ((m / M_1) ** alpha + 1.0), 0, )
[docs] def sigma_satellite(self, m): """The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" return np.ones_like(m) * self.params["sigma_A"]
[docs] class Constant(HODBulk): """A toy model HOD in which every halo has the same amount of the tracer on average.""" _defaults = {"logA": 0, "M_min": 11.0, "sigma_A": 0} def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" return np.where(m > 10 ** self.params["M_min"], 10 ** self.params["logA"], 0)
[docs] def sigma_satellite(self, m): """The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m.""" return np.ones_like(m) * self.params["sigma_A"]
[docs] class Spinelli19(HODPoisson): """ Six-parameter model of Spinelli et al. (2019) [1]_. Default is taken to be the z=1 case, however you should manually set `hm.z=1`. References ---------- .. [1] Spinelli, M. et al., "The atomic hydrogen content of the post-reionization Universe", """ _defaults = { "a1": 0.0016, # gives HI mass amplitude of the power law "a2": 0.00011, # gives HI mass amplitude of the power law "alpha": 0.56, # slop of exponential break "beta": 0.43, # slop of mass "M_min": 9, # Truncation Mass "M_break": 11.86, # Characteristic Mass "M_1": -2.99, # mass of exponential cutoff "sigma_A": 0, # The (constant) standard deviation of the tracer "M_max": 18, # Truncation mass "M_0": 8.31, # Amplitude of satellite HOD "M_break_sat": 11.4, # characteristic mass for satellite HOD "alpha_sat": 0.84, # slop of exponential cut-off for satellite "beta_sat": 1.10, # slop of mass for satellite "M_1_counts": 12.851, "alpha_counts": 1.049, "M_min_counts": 11, # Truncation Mass "M_max_counts": 15, # Truncation Mass "a": 0.049, "b": 2.248, "eta": 1.0, } sharp_cut = False central_condition_inherent = False def _central_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of central tracer at mass M.""" alpha = self.params["alpha"] beta = self.params["beta"] m_1 = 10 ** self.params["M_1"] a1 = self.params["a1"] a2 = self.params["a2"] m_break = 10 ** self.params["M_break"] out = ( m * (a1 * (m / 1e10) ** beta * np.exp(-((m / m_break) ** alpha)) + a2) * np.exp(-((m_1 / m) ** 0.5)) ) return out def _satellite_occupation(self, m): """Amplitude of satellite tracer at mass M.""" alpha = self.params["alpha_sat"] beta = self.params["beta_sat"] amp = 10 ** self.params["M_0"] m1 = 10 ** self.params["M_break_sat"] array = np.zeros_like(m) array[m >= 10**11] = 1 return amp * (m / m1) ** beta * np.exp(-((m1 / m) ** alpha)) * array # return 10**8
[docs] def unit_conversion(self, cosmo, z): """A factor to convert the total occupation to a desired unit. The factor can potentially have astropy units. """ A12 = 2.869e-15 nu21cm = 1.42e9 Const = (3.0 * A12 * const.h * const.c**3.0) / ( 32.0 * np.pi * (const.m_p + const.m_e) * const.Boltzmann * nu21cm**2 ) Mpcoverh_3 = ((astroconst.kpc.value * 1e3) / (cosmo.H0.value / 100.0)) ** 3 hubble = cosmo.H0.value * cosmo.efunc(z) * 1.0e3 / (astroconst.kpc.value * 1e3) temp_conv = Const * ((1.0 + z) ** 2 / hubble) # convert to Mpc^3, solar mass temp_conv = temp_conv / Mpcoverh_3 * astroconst.M_sun.value return temp_conv
def _tracer_per_central(self, M): """Number of tracer per central tracer source.""" n_c = np.zeros_like(M) n_c[ np.logical_and( 10 ** self.params["M_min_counts"] <= M, 10 ** self.params["M_max_counts"] >= M, ) ] = 1 return n_c def _tracer_per_satellite(self, M): """Number of tracer per satellite tracer source.""" n_s = np.zeros_like(M) index = np.logical_and( 10 ** self.params["M_min_counts"] <= M, 10 ** self.params["M_max_counts"] >= M, ) n_s[index] = (M[index] / 10 ** self.params["M_1_counts"]) ** self.params["alpha_counts"] return n_s