
class halomod.concentration.Bullock01(cosmo: ~hmf.cosmology.cosmo.Cosmology = <hmf.cosmology.cosmo.Cosmology object>, filter0: ~hmf.density_field.filters.Filter | None = None, growth: ~hmf.cosmology.growth_factor.GrowthFactor | None = None, delta_c: float = 1.686, profile: ~halomod.profiles.Profile | None = None, mdef: ~hmf.halos.mass_definitions.MassDefinition | None = None, **model_parameters)[source]

Bases: CMRelation

Concentration-Mass relation of Bullock et al.(2001) [1].

See documentation for Bias for information on input parameters. This model has two model parameters.


The form of the concentration is

\[c_{\rm vir} = K a/a_c = K (1+z_c)/(1+z)\]

The detailed description of the model can be found in [1].

  • F (float) – Default value is F=0.01 and K=0.34

  • K (float) – Default value is F=0.01 and K=0.34


[1] (1,2)

Bullock, J.S. et al., “ Profiles of dark haloes: evolution, scatter and environment “, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996MNRAS.282..347M.

cm(m, z=0)[source]

Return concentration parameter for mass m at z.

  • z (float) – Redshift. Must not be an array.

  • m (float) – Halo Mass.

classmethod get_models() Dict[str, Type]

Get a dictionary of all implemented models for this component.


Return the nonlinear mass at z.


z (float) – Redshift. Must not be an array.

native_mdefs = (<hmf.halos.mass_definitions.SOCritical object>,)
zc(m, z=0)[source]