
class halomod.halo_exclusion.NoExclusion(m: ndarray, density: ndarray, power_integrand: ndarray, bias: ndarray, r: ndarray, halo_density: float)[source]

Bases: Exclusion

A model where there’s no halo exclusion.


The modified integrated density with halo exclusion.

Calculated in the matter case by

\[\bar{n}^{-1} \sqrt{\int_0^{m'_1} \int_0^{m'_2} n(m_1) m_1 n(m_2) m_2 dm_1 dm_2},\]

and in the tracer case by replacing n(m).m with n(m) N(m).

See Eq. 47 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.14066.

The array is a vector of length r.

classmethod get_models() Dict[str, Type]

Get a dictionary of all implemented models for this component.

integrate() ndarray[source]

Integrate the raw_integrand() over mass.


An array of shape (r, k) that should be multiplied by P_m(k) to obtain the 2-halo power spectrum.

Return type:


property r_halo

The virial radius of the halo.

raw_integrand() ndarray

Compute the full power spectrum integrand.

The output is always a 3D array, with shape (r, k, m).