
class halomod.profiles.CoredNFW(cm_relation, mdef=<hmf.halos.mass_definitions.SOMean object>, z=0.0, cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(name="Planck15", H0=67.7 km / (Mpc s), Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.725 K, Neff=3.05, m_nu=[0.   0.   0.06] eV, Ob0=0.0486), **model_parameters)[source]

Cored NFW profile.

See documentation for Profile for information on input parameters. This model has no free parameters.


This is an empirical form proposed in [1], with the formula

\[\rho(r) = \frac{\rho_s}{\big(r/R_s+0.75\big)\big(1+r/R_s\big)^2}\]



Maller, A. and Bullock, J., “Multiphase galaxy formation:high-velocity clouds and the missing baryon problem “, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004MNRAS.355..694M.


__init__(cm_relation[, mdef, z, cosmo, Om0, …])

Initialize self.

cdf(r[, c, m, coord])

The cumulative distribution function, \(m(<x)/m_v\)


The halo_concentration-mass relation


Get a dictionary of all implemented models for this component.

halo_mass_to_radius(m[, at_z])

Return the halo radius corresponding to m.

halo_radius_to_mass(r[, at_z])

Return the halo mass corresponding to r.

lam(r, m[, norm, c, coord])

The density halo_profile convolved with itself.

populate(n, m[, c, centre])

Populate a halo with the current halo profile of mass m with n tracers.

rho(r, m[, norm, c, coord])

The density at radius r of a halo of mass m.

scale_radius(m[, at_z])

Return the scale radius for a halo of mass m.

u(k, m[, norm, c, coord])

The (optionally normalised) Fourier-transform of the density halo_profile

virial_velocity([m, r])

Return the virial velocity for a halo of mass m.