
Routines and Frameworks for intelligent integration of the correlation function, to obtain eg. projected and angular correlations functions.


angular_corr_gal(theta, xi, p1, zmin, zmax, ...)

Calculate the angular correlation function w(theta).

dxdz(z[, cosmo, Om0, Tcmb0, Neff, m_nu, Ob0])

Derivative of comoving distance with redshift [Mpc/h].

flat_z_dist(zmin, zmax)

Get an array of z weights, assuming equally distributed z bins.

projected_corr_gal(r, xir, rlim[, rp_out])

Projected correlation function w(r_p).


AngularCF(*args, **kwargs)

Framework extension to angular correlation functions.

ProjectedCF(*args, **kwargs)

Class for calculating projected correlation function.