
class halomod.hod.HODPoisson(central: bool = False, cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(name='Planck15', H0=<Quantity 67.74 km / (Mpc s)>, Om0=0.3075, Tcmb0=<Quantity 2.7255 K>, Neff=3.046, m_nu=<Quantity [0., 0., 0.06] eV>, Ob0=0.0486), cm_relation: ~halomod.concentration.CMRelation | None = None, profile: ~halomod.profiles.Profile | None = None, mdef: ~hmf.halos.mass_definitions.MassDefinition | None = <hmf.halos.mass_definitions.SOMean object>, **model_parameters)[source]

Bases: HOD

Base class for discrete HOD’s with poisson-distributed satellite population.

Also assumes that the amount of the tracer is statistically independent of the number counts, but its average is directly proportional to it.

This accounts for all Poisson-distributed number-count HOD’s (which is all traditional HODs).

central_condition_inherent = False

The occupation function of the central component.


The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_c T_s>.

classmethod get_models() Dict[str, Type]

Get a dictionary of all implemented models for this component.

property mmin

Defines a reasonable minimum mass to set for this HOD to converge when integrated.


Amplitude of central tracer per tracer source.


Amplitude of satellite tracer per tracer source.


The occupation function of the satellite (or profile-dependent) component.

sharp_cut = False

The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m.


The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m.


The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_s>.


The total (average) occupation of the halo.


The total weight of the occupation paired with itself.

unit_conversion(cosmo, z)

A factor to convert the total occupation to a desired unit.