- class halomod.hod.Contreras13(central: bool = False, cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(name='Planck15', H0=<Quantity 67.74 km / (Mpc s)>, Om0=0.3075, Tcmb0=<Quantity 2.7255 K>, Neff=3.046, m_nu=<Quantity [0., 0., 0.06] eV>, Ob0=0.0486), cm_relation: ~halomod.concentration.CMRelation | None = None, profile: ~halomod.profiles.Profile | None = None, mdef: ~hmf.halos.mass_definitions.MassDefinition | None = <hmf.halos.mass_definitions.SOMean object>, **model_parameters)[source]¶
Nine-parameter model of Contreras (2013) [1].
- Parameters:
M_min (float, default = 11.6222) – Minimum mass of halo that supports a central galaxy
M_1 (float, default = 12.851) – Mass of a halo which on average contains 1 satellite
alpha (float, default = 1.049) – Index of power law for satellite galaxies
sig_logm (float, default = 0.26) – Width of smoothed cutoff
M_0 (float, default = 11.5047) – Minimum mass of halo containing satellites
fca (float, default = 0.5) – fca
fcb (float, default = 0) – fcb
fs (float, default = 1) – fs
delta (float, default = 1) – delta
x (float, default = 1) – x
[1]Contreras, C. et al., “The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: measuring the cosmicgrowth rate with the two-point galaxy correlation function”, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.430..924C.
- central_condition_inherent = False¶
- central_occupation(m)¶
The occupation function of the central component.
- cs_pairs(m)¶
The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_c T_s>.
- classmethod get_models() Dict[str, Type] ¶
Get a dictionary of all implemented models for this component.
- property mmin¶
Defines a reasonable minimum mass to set for this HOD to converge when integrated.
- nc(m)¶
Amplitude of central tracer per tracer source.
- ns(m)¶
Amplitude of satellite tracer per tracer source.
- satellite_occupation(m)¶
The occupation function of the satellite (or profile-dependent) component.
- sharp_cut = False¶
- sigma_central(m)¶
The standard deviation of the central tracer amount in haloes of mass m.
- sigma_satellite(m)¶
The standard deviation of the satellite tracer amount in haloes of mass m.
- ss_pairs(m)¶
The average amount of the tracer coupled with itself in haloes of mass m, <T_s T_s>.
- total_occupation(m)¶
The total (average) occupation of the halo.
- total_pair_function(m)¶
The total weight of the occupation paired with itself.
- unit_conversion(cosmo, z)¶
A factor to convert the total occupation to a desired unit.