
Module defining halo model components for halo exclusion.


cumsimps(func, dx)

A very simplistic cumulative simpsons rule integrator.

dbltrapz(X, dx[, dy])

Double-integral over the last two dimensions of X using trapezoidal rule.

integrate_dblsphere(integ, mask, dx)

Integration function for double sphere model.

makeW(nx, ny)

Return a window matrix for double-intergral.

outer(a, b)

Calculate the outer product of two vectors.


DblEllipsoid(m, density, power_integrand, ...)

Double Ellipsoid model of halo exclusion.

DblSphere(m, density, power_integrand, bias, ...)

Double Sphere model of halo exclusion.

Exclusion(m, density, power_integrand, bias, ...)

Base class for exclusion models.

NgMatched(m, density, power_integrand, bias, ...)

A model for double ellipsoid halo exclusion, where a mask is defined so that the number density of galaxies is matched.

NoExclusion(m, density, power_integrand, ...)

A model where there's no halo exclusion.

Sphere(m, density, power_integrand, bias, r, ...)

Spherical halo exclusion model.