Module defining oncentration-mass relations.
This module defines a base :class:`CMRelation` component class, and a number of specific
concentration-mass relations. In addition, it defines a factory function :func:`make_colossus_cm`
which helps with integration with the ``colossus`` cosmology code. With this function,
the user is able to easily create a ``halomod``-compatible ``Component`` model that
transparently uses ``colossus`` the background to do the actual computation of the
concentration mass relation. This means it is easy to use any of the updated models
from ``colossus`` in a native way.
A simple example of using a native concentration-mass relation::
>>> from halomod.concentration import Duffy08
>>> duffy = Duffy08()
>>> m = np.logspace(10, 15, 100)
>>> plt.plot(m, duffy.cm(m, z=0))
You can also specify a different concentration-mass relation for tracer
if you're working with :class:`~halomod.halo_model.TracerHaloModel`::
>>> from halomod import HaloModel
>>> hm = HaloModel(halo_concentration_model='Ludlow16',
>>> tracer_concentration_model='Duffy08')
Constructing and using a colossus-based relation::
>>> from halomod.concentration import make_colossus_cm
>>> diemer = make_colossus_cm(model='diemer15', statistic='median')()
>>> plt.plot(m, diemer.cm(m, z=1))
Note the extra function call on the second line here -- :func:`make_colossus_cm` returns
a *class*, not an instance. Under the hood, any parameters passed to the function other
than ``model`` are set as "defaults", and can be modified like standard model params.
For instance, using such a model in a broader :class:`~HaloModel` framework::
>>> diemer19_cls = make_colossus_cm(model='diemer19', ps_args={})
>>> hm = HaloModel(
>>> halo_concentration_model=diemer19_cls,
>>> halo_concentration_params={'ps_args': {'model': 'eisenstein98'}}
>>> )
>>> hm.update(halo_concentration_params = {"ps_args": {"model": 'sugiyama95'}})
Note that while ``statistic`` is a valid argument to the `diemer19` model in COLOSSUS,
we have constructed it without access to that argument (and so it recieves its default
value of "median"). This means we *cannot* update it via the ``HaloModel`` interface.
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
import numpy as np
from colossus.cosmology.cosmology import fromAstropy
from colossus.halo import concentration
from hmf import Component
from hmf._internals import pluggable
from hmf.cosmology.cosmo import Cosmology
from hmf.cosmology.growth_factor import GrowthFactor
from hmf.density_field.filters import Filter
from hmf.halos.mass_definitions import (
from scipy import special as sp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .profiles import NFW, Profile
DEFAULT_COSMO = Cosmology()
class CMRelation(Component):
r"""Base-class for Concentration-Mass relations."""
_pdocs = r"""
filter0 : :class:`hmf.filters.Filter` instance
An instance of a filter function, with the power specified at z=0.
Required for ``Bullock01``.
growth : :class:`hmf.growth_factor.GrowthFactor` instance
Specifies the growth function for the cosmology.
Required for ``Bullock01``
delta_c : float, optional
Critical density for collapse
Used in ``Bullock01``
mstar : float, optional
The nonlinear mass at the desired redshift.
If not provided, will be calculated if required.
\*\*model_parameters : unpacked-dictionary
These parameters are model-specific. For any model, list the available
parameters (and their defaults) using ``<model>._defaults``
__doc__ += _pdocs
_defaults = {}
native_mdefs = ()
def __init__(
cosmo: Cosmology = DEFAULT_COSMO,
filter0: Filter | None = None,
growth: GrowthFactor | None = None,
delta_c: float = 1.686,
profile: Profile | None = None,
mdef: MassDefinition | None = None,
# Save instance variables
self.filter = filter0
self.growth = GrowthFactor(cosmo=cosmo.cosmo) if growth is None else growth
self.delta_c = delta_c
self.mdef = self.native_mdefs[0] if mdef is None else mdef
self.profile = NFW(self, mdef=self.mdef) if profile is None else profile
self.cosmo = cosmo
self.mean_density0 = cosmo.mean_density0
# TODO: actually implement conversion of mass definitions.
if self.mdef not in self.native_mdefs:
f"Requested mass definition '{mdef}' is not in native definitions for "
f"the '{self.__class__.__name__}' CMRelation. No mass conversion will be "
f"performed, so results will be wrong. Using '{self.mdef}'.",
def mass_nonlinear(self, z):
Return the nonlinear mass at z.
z : float
Redshift. Must not be an array.
def model(lnr):
return (
self.filter.sigma(np.exp(lnr)) * self.growth.growth_factor(z) - self.delta_c
) ** 2
res = minimize(
if res.success:
r = np.exp(res.x[0])
return self.filter.radius_to_mass(r, self.mean_density0) # TODO *(1+z)**3 ????
warnings.warn("Minimization failed :(", stacklevel=2)
return 0
def cm(self, m, z=0):
Return concentration parameter for mass m at z.
z : float
Redshift. Must not be an array.
m : float
Halo Mass.
def make_colossus_cm(model="diemer15", **defaults):
A factory function which helps with integration with the ``colossus`` cosmology code.
See :mod:`~halomod.concentration` for an example of how to use it.
Notice that it returns a *class* :class:`CustomColossusCM` not an instance.
class CustomColossusCM(CMRelation):
_model_name = model
_defaults = defaults
native_mdefs = tuple(from_colossus_name(d) for d in concentration.models[model].mdefs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# TODO: may want a more accurate way of passing sigma8 and ns here.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
"ignore", "Astropy cosmology class contains massive neutrinos"
fromAstropy(self.cosmo.cosmo, sigma8=0.8, ns=1)
def cm(self, m, z=0):
return concentration.concentration(
CustomColossusCM.__name__ = model.capitalize()
CustomColossusCM.__qualname__ = model.capitalize()
return CustomColossusCM
class Bullock01(CMRelation):
Concentration-Mass relation of Bullock et al.(2001) [1]_.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has two model parameters.
The form of the concentration is
.. math:: c_{\rm vir} = K a/a_c = K (1+z_c)/(1+z)
The detailed description of the model can be found in [1]_.
Other Parameters
F, K : float
Default value is ``F=0.01`` and ``K=0.34``
.. [1] Bullock, J.S. et al., " Profiles of dark haloes: evolution, scatter and
environment ", https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996MNRAS.282..347M.
_defaults = {"F": 0.01, "K": 3.4}
native_mdefs = (SOCritical(),)
def zc(self, m, z=0):
r = self.filter.mass_to_radius(self.params["F"] * m, self.mean_density0)
nu = self.filter.nu(r, self.delta_c)
g = self.growth.growth_factor_fn(inverse=True)
zc = g(np.sqrt(nu))
zc[zc < z] = z # hack?
return zc
def cm(self, m, z=0):
return self.params["K"] * (self.zc(m, z) + 1.0) / (z + 1.0)
class Bullock01Power(CMRelation):
Extended Concentration-Mass relation of Bullock et al.(2001) [1]_.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has three model parameters.
The form of the concentration is
..math:: c_{\rm vir} = a/(1+z)^c\big(\frac{m}{m_s}\big)^b
where a,b,c,ms are model parameters.
Other Parameters
a, b, c : float
Default value is ``a=9.0``, ``b=-0.13`` and ``c=1.0``.
ms : float
Default value is ``None``, where it's set to be the non-linear mass at z.
.. [1] Bullock, J.S. et al., " Profiles of dark haloes:
evolution, scatter and environment ",
_defaults = {"a": 9.0, "b": -0.13, "c": 1.0, "ms": None}
native_mdefs = (SOCritical(),)
def _cm(self, m, ms, a, b, c, z=0):
return a / (1 + z) ** c * (m / ms) ** b
def cm(self, m, z=0):
ms = self.params["ms"] or self.mass_nonlinear(z)
return self._cm(m, ms, self.params["a"], self.params["b"], self.params["c"], z)
class Maccio07(CMRelation):
Concentration-Mass relation based on Maccio et al.(2007) [1]_.
Default value taken from Padmanabhan et al.(2017) [2]_.
.. [1] Maccio, A. V. et al., "Concentration, spin and shape of dark matter haloes:
scatter and the dependence on mass and environment",
.. [2] Padmanabhan, H. et al., "A halo model for cosmological neutral hydrogen :
abundances and clustering ",
_defaults = {"c_0": 28.65, "gamma": 1.45}
native_mdefs = (SOMean(),)
def cm(self, m, z):
return (
self.params["c_0"] * (m * 10 ** (-11)) ** (-0.109) * 4 / (1 + z) ** self.params["gamma"]
class Duffy08(Bullock01Power):
Concentration-mass relation from Duffy et al.(2008) [1]_.
It has the same fomulae as :class:`Bullock01Power`,
but with parameter values refitted.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has five model parameters.
.. note:: Only "NFW" parameters are implemented by default here. Furthermore,
only the z=0-2 sample parameters are implemented. Of course, you can
always pass your own parameters from Table 1 of [1]_.
Other Parameters
a, b, c: float
Default is "NFW" parameters in [1]_.
ms: float
Default value is ``2e12``.
sample : str
Either "relaxed" (default) or "full". Specifies which set of parameters to take
as default parameters, from Table 1 of [1]_.
.. [1] Duffy, A. R. et al., "Dark matter halo concentrations in the
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe year 5 cosmology ",
_defaults = {"a": None, "b": None, "c": None, "ms": 2e12, "sample": "relaxed"}
native_mdefs = (SOCritical(), SOMean(), SOVirial())
def cm(self, m, z=0):
# All the params defined in Table 1 of Duffy 2008
set_params = {
"200c": {
"full": {
"a": 5.71,
"b": -0.084,
"c": 0.47,
"relaxed": {
"a": 6.71,
"b": -0.091,
"c": 0.44,
"vir": {
"full": {
"a": 7.85,
"b": -0.081,
"c": 0.71,
"relaxed": {
"a": 9.23,
"b": -0.09,
"c": 0.69,
"200m": {
"full": {
"a": 10.14,
"b": -0.081,
"c": 1.01,
"relaxed": {
"a": 11.93,
"b": -0.09,
"c": 0.99,
parameter_set = set_params.get(self.mdef.colossus_name, set_params["200c"]).get(
a = self.params["a"] or parameter_set["a"]
b = self.params["b"] or parameter_set["b"]
c = self.params["c"] or parameter_set["c"]
return self._cm(m, self.params["ms"], a, b, c, z)
class Zehavi11(Bullock01Power):
Concentration-mass relation from Duffy et al.(2008) [1]_.
It has the same fomulae as :class:`Bullock01Power`,
but with parameter values refitted.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has four model parameters.
Other Parameters
a, b, c, ms: float
Default is ``(11.0,-0.13,1.0,2.26e12)``.
.. [1] Zehavi, I. et al., "Galaxy Clustering in the Completed SDSS Redshift Survey:
The Dependence on Color and Luminosity",
_defaults = {"a": 11.0, "b": -0.13, "c": 1.0, "ms": 2.26e12}
class Ludlow16(CMRelation):
Analytical Concentration-Mass relation of Ludlow et al.(2016) [1]_.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has two model parameters.
.. note:: The form of the concentration is described by eq(6) and eq(7) in [1]_.
Other Parameters
f, C : float
Default value is ``f=0.02`` and ``C=650``
.. [1] Ludlow, A. D. et al., "The mass-concentration-redshift relation
of cold and warm dark matter haloes ",
# Note: only defined for NFW for now.
_defaults = {
"f": 0.02, # Fraction of mass assembled at "formation"
"C": 650, # Constant scaling
native_mdefs = (SOCritical(),)
def delta_halo(self, z=0):
return self.mdef.halo_overdensity_crit(z, self.cosmo.cosmo)
def _eq6_zf(self, c, C, z):
cosmo = self.cosmo.cosmo
M2 = self.profile._h(1) / self.profile._h(c)
rho_2 = self.delta_halo(z) * c**3 * M2
rhoc = rho_2 / C
in_brackets = (rhoc * (cosmo.Om0 * (1 + z) ** 3 + cosmo.Ode0) - cosmo.Ode0) / cosmo.Om0
c = c[in_brackets > 0]
in_brackets = in_brackets[in_brackets > 0]
return c, in_brackets**0.33333 - 1.0
def _eq7(self, f, C, m, z):
cvec = np.logspace(0, 2, 400)
# Calculate zf for all values in cvec
cvec, zf = self._eq6_zf(cvec, C, z)
# Mask out those that are unphysical
mask = (np.isnan(zf) | np.isinf(zf)) | (zf < 0)
zf = zf[~mask]
cvec = cvec[~mask]
lhs = self.profile._h(1) / self.profile._h(cvec)
rf = self.filter.mass_to_radius(f * m, self.mean_density0)
r = self.filter.mass_to_radius(m, self.mean_density0)
sigf = self.filter.sigma(rf) ** 2
sigr = self.filter.sigma(r) ** 2
gf = self.growth.growth_factor_fn()
num = self.delta_c * (1.0 / gf(zf) - 1.0 / gf(z))
den = np.sqrt(2 * (sigf - sigr))
rhs = sp.erfc(np.outer(num, 1.0 / den))
# indx_mass = 0
# print('f, rf: ', rf[indx_mass], r[indx_mass])
# print('sigf: ', sigf[indx_mass])
# print('sigr: ', sigr[indx_mass])
# print('lhs: ', lhs)
# print("rhs: ", rhs[:, indx_mass])
# print("num: ", num)
# print("den: ", den[indx_mass])
if np.isscalar(m):
rhs = rhs[:, 0]
spl = interp1d(lhs - rhs, cvec)
return spl(0.0)
out = np.zeros_like(m)
for i in range(len(m)):
arg = lhs - rhs[:, i]
if np.sum(arg <= 0) == 0:
out[i] = cvec.min()
elif np.sum(arg >= 0) == 0:
out[i] = cvec.max()
spl = interp1d(arg, cvec)
out[i] = spl(0.0)
return out
def cm(self, m, z=0):
return self._eq7(self.params["f"], self.params["C"], m, z)
class Ludlow16Empirical(CMRelation):
Empirical Concentration-Mass relation of Ludlow et al.(2016) [1]_
for Planck-like cosmology.
See documentation for :class:`Bias` for information on input parameters. This
model has eight model parameters.
.. note:: The form of the concentration is described by eq(C1-C6) in [1]_
Other Parameters
c0_0, c0_z, beta_0, beta_z, gamma1_0, gamma1_z, gamma2_0, gamma2_z : float
Default value is ``(3.395,-0.215,0.307,0.54,0.628,-0.047,0.317,-0.893)``.
.. [1] Ludlow, A. D. et al., "The mass-concentration-redshift relation
of cold and warm dark matter haloes ",
_defaults = {
"c0_0": 3.395,
"c0_z": -0.215,
"beta_0": 0.307,
"beta_z": 0.54,
"gamma1_0": 0.628,
"gamma1_z": -0.047,
"gamma2_0": 0.317,
"gamma2_z": -0.893,
native_mdefs = (SOCritical(),)
def _c0(self, z):
return self.params["c0_0"] * (1 + z) ** self.params["c0_z"]
def _beta(self, z):
return self.params["beta_0"] * (1 + z) ** self.params["beta_z"]
def _gamma1(self, z):
return self.params["gamma1_0"] * (1 + z) ** self.params["gamma1_z"]
def _gamma2(self, z):
return self.params["gamma2_0"] * (1 + z) ** self.params["gamma2_z"]
def _nu_0(self, z):
a = 1.0 / (1 + z)
return (
4.135 - 0.564 / a - 0.21 / a**2 + 0.0557 / a**3 - 0.00348 / a**4
) / self.growth.growth_factor(z)
def cm(self, m, z=0):
# May be better to use real nu, but we'll do what they do in the paper
# r = self.filter.mass_to_radius(m, self.mean_density0)
# nu = self.filter.nu(r,self.delta_c)/self.growth.growth_factor(z)
xi = 1e10 / m
sig = (
* 22.26
* xi**0.292
/ (1 + 1.53 * xi**0.275 + 3.36 * xi**0.198)
nu = self.delta_c / sig
return (
* (nu / self._nu_0(z)) ** (-self._gamma1(z))
* (1 + (nu / self._nu_0(z)) ** (1.0 / self._beta(z)))
** (-self._beta(z) * (self._gamma2(z) - self._gamma1(z)))
class Ludlow2016(Ludlow16):
"""This class is deprecated -- use :class:`Ludlow16` instead."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"This class is deprecated -- use Ludlow16 instead.",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Ludlow2016Empirical(Ludlow16Empirical):
"""This class is deprecated -- use :class:`Ludlow16Empirical` instead."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"This class is deprecated -- use Ludlow16Empirical instead.",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)