
property HaloModelWDM.rho_ltm

Mass density in haloes <m, len=len(m) [units \(M_\odot h^2 Mpc^{-3}\)]


As of v1.6.2, this assumes that the entire mass density of halos is encoded by the mean_density0 parameter (ie. all mass is found in halos). This is not explicitly true of all fitting functions (eg. Warren), in which case the definition of this property is somewhat inconsistent, but will still work.

In the case that m does not extend to sufficiently high masses, this routine will auto-generate dndm for an extended mass range.

In the case of the ff.Behroozi fit, it is impossible to auto-extend the mass range except by the power-law fit, thus one should be careful to supply appropriate mass ranges in this case.